"Well the campaign is getting ugly.. "Bush" and carter heaadquarters attacked... and now heres a report of a laundry break in..."

Description: Political cartoon by Etta Hulme. This cartoon appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Wednesday. This cartoon depicts four quadrants in which an older couple can be see conversating; both appear to be sitting on a couches across from each other. He says, "Well the campaign is getting ugly.. "Bush" and carter heaadquarters attacked... and now heres a report of a laundry break in..." second quadrant, he says, "Shades of watergate!" and she replies "What does laundry break in have to do with the campaign?" third quadrant, "Remember when John Anderson said he'd run as long as his clean clothes held out?" and on the last quadrant he says, "The burglers were not aprehended but the theory is that they were after Anderson's socks..."
Etta Hulme Papers
Date Created:
Special Collections Identifier:
Original Format:
Editorial cartoon
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder:
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections
Rights and License: View Rights and License