"Our helpful household hint that comes with your statement each month suggests that you dump this stuff in your furnace, thereby saving on your fuel bills while you negotiate with our computer"


Political cartoon by Etta Hulme. This cartoon appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The image depicts a man talking to a woman in front of her house. The man says "Our helpful household hint that comes with your statement each month suggests that you dump this stuff in your furnace, thereby saving on your fuel bills while you negotiate with our computer". There are boxes all around the surroundings of the house. The boxes are labeled with country names "Australia", "Bolivia", "Zimbabwe", "Andorra". On the side of the street there is a man unloading boxes from a truck labeled "Credit card phone bill delivery".

Etta Hulme Papers
Date Created:
Special Collections Identifier:
Original Format:
Editorial cartoon
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder:
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections
Rights and License: View Rights and License