"Isolation and modification of the liberal gene"

Description: Political cartoon by Etta Hulme. This cartoon appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The cartoon shows a man and a woman wearing white lab coats in a room labeled "genetic lab." They are watching mice in a cage. The man says, "now that we've found the obesity gene, we have an even bigger challenge." The woman says, "what's that?" The man, dumping more mice into the cage, says, "we try to isolate and modify the gene for liberalism. We take liberal mice and put them with conservative mice." The woman asks, "how do mice get liberalism?" The man says, "it may start with a virus. They must have been exposed to free and generous hearts and broad enlightened minds." The woman says, "what happens now?" The man replies, "the conservative mice call them names until they collaps from shame." Some of the mice in the cage begin saying "liberal!" to the other mice. The woman says, "how long will this take?"
Etta Hulme Papers
Date Created:
Special Collections Identifier:
Original Format:
Editorial cartoon
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder:
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections
Rights and License: View Rights and License