
When our FabLab student employees and full-time staff aren't busy helping others create things, they're building innovative systems that help the FabLab run smoothly, designing and modifying equipment to serve the maker community, sharing curriculum to improve student success, and writing about best practices. Here are a few examples:

Maker Literacies Curriculum

Maker Literacies website homepage

Our FabLab staff has formed a national collaboration to answer the question, "How might academic library makerspaces impact undergraduate learning?" They have created and tested a set of maker-based competencies and have begun to advance national practice by way of professional development and assessment of learning outcomes.

Visit the Maker Literacies website for more info.

FabLab Automation

FabLab Octopuppet logo

FabApp, OctoPuppet, and JuiceBox are a suite of robust management tools designed to streamline, organize, and add accountability and granular control to any makerspace or FabLab.

Learn more about FabLab Automation.

Screen Printing Press

student holding t-shirt with UTA logo in front of Screeny McScreenpress

The FabLab designed and built Screeny McScreenpress - a four-station screen printing press with micro-registration for aligning multiple-color prints onto paper or fabric.

Learn about the making of Screeny McScreenpress.

Publications and Presentations