Column: College Reflections

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by Library News

As I prepare to graduate with my master’s in computer science from the University of Texas at Arlington, I reflect on my journey from Hyderabad, India, to the United States.  


My background in Information Systems and passion for technology led me to pursue a master's in CS. Little did I know I would face numerous challenges and opportunities that would shape my experience. 


Adjusting to a new country, culture and food was challenging. I had to learn to cook for myself, manage my finances and navigate everyday tasks independently.  


I remember struggling to cook even the simplest meals, and my mom would guide me through recipes over the phone.  


We would video call each other twice a day, and I would share the details of my day with her. She was my rock, and her support meant the world to me. 


I faced many challenges as I navigated my graduate program for the first time. Managing my coursework, part-time job, and homesickness was overwhelming at times.  


Despite the struggles, I persevered and learned to prioritize my tasks, seek help when needed, and adapt to the new environment. Looking back, I realize that those challenges helped me grow and develop time management skills. 


I've also been fortunate to have had best friends named Varsha, Abhi and Pavan, who supported me when I was overwhelmed. They're just a text away whenever I'm feeling depressed, low, or any emotions that I couldn't share with my parents. And we plan trips together to relieve stress.  


One of our best memories was traveling to Austin during summer break. We explored the city, tried delicious food and laughed together, creating memories I'll cherish forever. Having such a supportive community has made a huge difference in my journey. 


One of the highlights of my journey was receiving a scholarship to attend the Tapia Conference, a premier event for diversity in computing. This opportunity exposed me to industry leaders, researchers and peers, providing valuable connections and internship opportunities.  


However, my most significant connection was with Dr. Patricia Grubel, a lead researcher at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. We met daily during the conference, and she shared her expertise and insights on the importance of research in the CS field.  


Her passion and dedication inspired me, and our conversations broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of the field. It was one of the most meaningful connections I've made in my career, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have learned from her. 

I also enjoyed participating in a two-day hackathon and technical events conducted by my computer science department, which helped me develop new skills and work with a team to create innovative solutions. I met many creative people there who worked in the same field as mine and gained a lot of information.  


Another favorite experience was working as a Student Assistant at the Central Library, where I honed my marketing and communication skills under my supervisor, Andy Branca. I worked with him for about a year, during which he helped me navigate my on-campus job and motivated me to excel.  


Under his mentorship, I wrote many interesting articles and columns, discovering a passion for writing that I didn't know I had. With Andy's guidance, I gained confidence in my writing abilities. I developed a skill that I plan to apply in my professional life. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him and for his impact on my professional growth." 


Balancing academic responsibilities with work, socializing and self-care was crucial, but sometimes, it felt impossible. To manage my time effectively, I set strict rules for myself. I went to bed by 12:30 p.m. and dedicated time to improving my technical skills and resuming my part-time job.  


I made it a point to go out at least once a weekend to refresh myself. Additionally, I prioritized healthy eating by consuming two balanced meals a day that included protein. By following these rules, I could strike a balance between my academic, professional and personal life, which helped me excel in my studies and maintain my overall well-being. 


As I moved forward, I was honored to graduate with distinction, a classification my computer science department awarded to recognize my outstanding academic performance. This classification is given to a select few students each academic year, and I was proud to be among them.  


While a regular graduation recognizes completion of the program, graduating with distinction acknowledges exceptional hard work, dedication and academic excellence - a difference that highlights my commitment to excellence in my field. 


To incoming students starting their master's journey in CS, I offer this advice: Take care of your physical and mental health first. Embrace new experiences and be open to learning and growth. 


Seek help and support from peers, faculty and industry professionals. Prioritize tasks, set realistic goals and practice time management. Attend industry events, hackathons, and conferences to network and build skills. 


After graduation, I plan to pursue a role as a software engineer Intern at Hedral, an architecture company. My journey as a master's student in CS has been a transformative experience that taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability and the importance of community. I hope my experiences and insights will inspire and inform incoming students on their master's journey.  


Remember to stay curious, be open-minded, and embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way. 


-  UTA Libraries Marketing and Communications Student Assistant Thirupatamma Amulya Yakkala wrote this column. 

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