Student Employee Spotlight: Landry Wills

Author's professional headshot

by Library News

Guiding people through the creative process is what Landry Wills enjoys most about his job at UTA Libraries. He serves as a lead student assistant in the FabLab at the Central Library. 


 Landry attributes his exceptional customer service skills to an unexpected source - his time singing in his family’s traveling ensemble. He believes that this experience has equipped him with the confidence to collaborate with students in transforming ideas into reality. 


“I have always had an affinity for how I verbalize things because I grew up as a singer, singing onstage with my family at churches. So, I had a lot of time to think about how I vocalize everything,” Landry said. “I like teaching people and this skill has helped.” 


In his role in the FabLab, Landry helps students with several types of projects. These projects can be connected with a class they are taking, an entrepreneur endeavor they are embarking on, or something personal they are creating for themselves. 


His guidance ranges from providing feedback on an idea or showing them how to use a specific piece of equipment so they can safely operate it. 

Landry Wills 2

UTA Libraries FabLab student employee Landry Wills.

Landry stated that the resources offered at the FabLab set UTA Libraries apart from other universities, providing students with opportunities for personal growth. 


“The unique thing about our space is the different sections we have and how they interact with each other. When learning how to sew clothing, I didn’t like cutting out patterns because I’m bad with my hands. That is why I do most things digitally,” he said. “When I found out that I could cut fabric on our laser cutter, I was like, ‘Oh, that will make things easier because I can get an exact measurement by laying everything out digitally.’” 


Landry shared that the skills and the knowledge he gains from his experience in the FabLab will help when he graduates in a year and enters the workforce, in the field of animation. 


“I've learned a lot about the creative process. I have so many people that come into the FabLab needing help on specific things that I have not done myself and have to come up with a solution,” Landry said. “I can think more on my feet when solving a creative issue. It’s very multidisciplinary.” 


With graduation on the horizon, Landry has taken steps to make his dream of working in animation a reality on his YouTube channel called the Landromat

“I have a character called Sergeant Landers. He is a little gnome who has a podcast in a fantasy world,” Landry said. “Over the past year, I have been animating episodes where he is trying to hang out with people.” 

Landry stated that his experience in the FabLab will help him further his dreams and career aspirations and it has helped others fulfill their creative dreams. He appreciates the opportunity that UTA Libraries has given him to grow and further his knowledge. 

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