"This weekend delegates committed to Ford are invited to contribute $100.00 for a creamed chicken dinner here in the gym - uncommitted delegates are invited to fly to Washington for a reception and dinner at the White House..."

Description: Political cartoon by Etta Hulme. This cartoon appeared in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Wednesday evening . The cartoon depicts a campaign rally for president Ford '76 in a school gym. The speaker is and elderly lady, she is holding a paper and talking to the audience. There are two individuals sitting behing her, and there is a big poster of Ford in the background and it reads, "President Ford '76," and two banners of "Mudpie High."
Etta Hulme Papers
Date Created:
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Special Collections Identifier:
Original Format:
Editorial cartoon
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder:
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections
Rights and License: View Rights and License