"Actually, I'm a sophomore of Egyptian ancestry from Pocatello, Idaho..."


Political cartoon by Etta Hulme. This cartoon appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Wednesday. This cartoon depicts four quadrants, in the first quadrant is a man with a capital I on his sweater holding a book. There are two other men pointing at him and saying "there's one now!" In the second quadrant, the two men say "lets beat the tar out of him!" and the man says "but..." In the third quadrant, there is a cloud of dust showing a fight, with the two men saying "Damn Iranian!" and the man saying "but..." In the last quadrant, the man is on the ground and looks disheveled. He says "Actually, I'm a sophomore of Egyptian ancestry from Pocatello, Idaho..."

Etta Hulme Papers
Date Created:
Special Collections Identifier:
Original Format:
Editorial cartoon
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
Rights Holder:
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, Special Collections
Rights and License: View Rights and License