
Title Date
Brief sketch of the Battle of Monterey; with details of that portion of it, which took place at the eastern extremity of the city Brief sketch of the Battle of Monterey; with details of that portion of it, which took place at the eastern extremity of the city 1866-07-00
Capture of Monterey Capture of Monterey 1851-00-00
Edward C. Davidson to Mrs. Sarah Davidson, Camp near Mier, Mexico, Feb. 3, 1848 Edward C. Davidson to Mrs. Sarah Davidson, Camp near Mier, Mexico, Feb. 3, 1848 1848-02-03
Orders and instructions to General Taylor. War Department, June 15, 1845 Orders and instructions to General Taylor. War Department, June 15, 1845 1848-00-00
Antonio Canales, brigadier general of the republic of Mexico, colonel of active militia, and in command of an auxiliary regiment of the northern frontier. February 1846 Antonio Canales, brigadier general of the republic of Mexico, colonel of active militia, and in command of an auxiliary regiment of the northern frontier. February 1846 1848-00-00
El general en Gefe de las fuerzas avanzadas sobre el enemigo, á los habitantes de este departamento y á las tropas de su mando. Marzo 18, de 1846 El general en Gefe de las fuerzas avanzadas sobre el enemigo, á los habitantes de este departamento y á las tropas de su mando. Marzo 18, de 1846 1848-00-00
Despatch from General Taylor. Camp on the left bank of the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, March 29, 1846 Despatch from General Taylor. Camp on the left bank of the Rio Grande, opposite Matamoras, March 29, 1846 1848-00-00
Despatch from General Pedro Ampudia. Fourth Military Division. April 12, 1846 Despatch from General Pedro Ampudia. Fourth Military Division. April 12, 1846 1848-00-00
Despatch from General Taylor. Head-quarters, Army of Occupation, Camp near Matamoras, Texas, April 23, 1846 Despatch from General Taylor. Head-quarters, Army of Occupation, Camp near Matamoras, Texas, April 23, 1846 1848-00-00
Despatch from General Taylor. Head-quarters, Army of Occupation, Camp near Matamoras, Texas, April 22, 1846 Despatch from General Taylor. Head-quarters, Army of Occupation, Camp near Matamoras, Texas, April 22, 1846 1848-00-00
Proclamation by the general commanding the Army of the U.S. of America, to the people of Mexico. April 26, 1846 Proclamation by the general commanding the Army of the U.S. of America, to the people of Mexico. April 26, 1846 1848-00-00
Message from the President of the United States relative to an invasion and commencement of hostilities by Mexico. May 11, 1846. Message from the President of the United States relative to an invasion and commencement of hostilities by Mexico. May 11, 1846. 1848-00-00
James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States to John Black, United States Consul at Mexico City. September 17, 1845 James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States to John Black, United States Consul at Mexico City. September 17, 1845 1848-00-00
Peña y Peña, Minister of Foreign Affairs to John Black, Consul of the United States at Mexico. October 15, 1845 Peña y Peña, Minister of Foreign Affairs to John Black, Consul of the United States at Mexico. October 15, 1845 1848-00-00
Peña y Peña, Minister of Foreign Affairs to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. December 20, 1845 Peña y Peña, Minister of Foreign Affairs to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. December 20, 1845 1848-00-00
J. M. de Castillo y Lanzas, Minister of Foreign Relations, to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. March 12, 1846 J. M. de Castillo y Lanzas, Minister of Foreign Relations, to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. March 12, 1846 1848-00-00
John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. December 17, 1845 John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. December 17, 1845 1848-00-00
John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. December 27, 1845 John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. December 27, 1845 1848-00-00
John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. January 14, 1846 John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico to James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States. January 14, 1846 1848-00-00
James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. January 20, 1846. James Buchanan, Secretary of State of the United States to John Slidell, appointed United States Minister to Mexico. January 20, 1846. 1848-00-00