Edmund Brooke Alexander

Birth Date: 1802-00-00
Death Date: 1888-00-00
Gender: Male
Nationality: U.S.

A native of Virginia, Edmund Brooke graduated 33rd in a class of thirty-five from the military academy at West Point in 1823. During the U.S.-Mexico War of 1846-1848, Captain E.B. Alexander was assigned to the Third Infantry Regiment which participated in the amphibious landing at Vera Cruz and subsequent siege of the city from March 9 1847 to March 28 1847. On April 18 1847, Alexander led a bayonet charge up the hill known as El Telégrafo at the Battle of Cerro Gordo, and was brevetted Major for his actions. On August 20 1847, Alexander was brevetted Lieutenant Colonel for his actions during the Battle of Contreras and leading a bayonet charge against the heavily defended convent of San Mateo in Churubusco where seven pieces of artillery and 1,259 prisoners were taken, including three generals and eighty-five deserters of the San Patricios.

After the U.S.-Mexico War, Alexander commanded the Eighth Infantry at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas and in 1855 was promoted to Colonel and placed in command of the newly organized Tenth Infantry which participated in the Utah Expedition in 1858. During the Civil War, Alexander was stationed in Nebraska and the Dakotas, and served as Assistant Provost Marshal in St. Louis, Missouri. Assigned as chief recruiting and disbursing officer for the divided state of Missouri, Alexander was brevetted Brigadier General in October of 1865. After serving for forty-six years in the military E.B. Alexander retired in 1869 with the rank of Colonel.


Bauer, K. Jack The Mexican War Macmillan Publishing Co. New York 1974

Brooks, Nathan Covington A Complete History of the Mexican War 1846-1848: Its Causes, Conduct, and Consequences The Rio Grande Press, Inc. 1849 rprt 1969

Crawford, Mark David S. Heidler, and Jeanne T. Heidler Encyclopedia of The Mexican-American War ABC-CLIO Santa Barbara, Califorina 1999

Smith, George Winston and Charles Judah Chronicles of the Gringos The U.S. Army in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 Accounts of Eyewitnesses & Combatants University of New Mexico Press Albuquerque 1968.

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