Francis Woodbridge's Route from Ohio to Mexico City

At the outbreak of the U.S.-Mexico War Francis Woodbridge was assigned to General Scott's command, and participated in many of the most famous engagements of the war, including the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, the Battles of Churubusco and Molina del Rey, the storming of Chapultepec, and the capture of Mexico City. For more information, see the Woodbridge Papers.

Route Description: The map route starts north of Dayton, Ohio and travels to Cincinnati. It then proceeds down the Mississippi River to New Orleans and then travels east over land to the Gulf of Mexico. It then follows steamship routes along the Texas and Mexico coasts to Vera Cruz, Mexico where it turns inland and ends in Mexico City.

Map of the Houston and Texas Central Railway. The New Avenue of Travel and Transportation Between the United States and Mexico. (Chicago: Printed by Rand, McNally and Company for the Houston and Texas Central Railway, 1880). UTA Libraries Special Collections.