Hispanic Heritage Honored in Exhibit

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by Library News

The UTA Libraries Special Collections Department has opened a new mini-exhibit to honor Hispanic heritage, culture, and history during Hispanic Heritage Month. 

The mini-exhibit is displayed in front of the Special Collections Department through Saturday, Oct. 15. It is on the sixth floor of the UTA Central Library. 

Priscilla Escobedo, Exhibit Co-curator and Special Collections archivist, stated that the mini exhibits highlight items from the more extensive collections, such as historical books and photographs so that they can be seen by more people who visit the library.  

"We are kind of traversing through history here in this exhibit," Priscilla said. "The current exhibit has photographs from the late 1930s to the early to mid-1940s, as well as some other photographs that are close to the 1890s and the 1910s." 

During the monthlong exhibit, Priscilla stated that the mini exhibit would change each week to feature a different collection representing Hispanic heritage. 

Sara Pezzoni, Exhibit Co-curator, and Photo Collections Coordinator, shared Priscilla's thoughts about the exhibit. She feels that visitors will be able to connect with the people whose story is on display and find they share similar experiences.  

"I think it's important that people remember that humanity hasn't changed so radically in the last 100 years that we can't imagine connecting with somebody from the past," Sara said. "One of our main goals of Special Collections is to help students see themselves in the archives and be able to have those shared experiences of 'oh, they weren't so different from me' and engage with us on that level." 

For more information about the Hispanic Heritage Month Mini exhibit, visit the UTA Libraries; events calendar at https://libraries.uta.edu/news-events/current.  

Additional information about current UTA Libraries events and news can be found on the library's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media pages. 

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