Libraries’ Wellness Ambassadors Aid Students with Mental Health Resources

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by Library News

Supporting and connecting students with resources during difficult and stressful times is the role the wellness ambassadors play here at UTA Libraries. 


The Libraries Wellness Ambassadors work with the university’s Counseling and Psychological Services program. CAPS assists students in increasing self-awareness, addressing mental health and emotional concerns, and working to make positive life changes in people. 


The program was created last year to promote student success by connecting library users to campus mental health resources. 


Ashley Nkollo, a wellness ambassador, stated that mental health issues could be easily overlooked, dismissed, and sometimes looked down upon by co-workers, friends, or family members. 


“When you look at a community’s mental health, it is sometimes stigmatized and can be a conversation that people are not ready to have at times,” Ashley said. “We let students know that it is an ok conversation to have, and we work to make talking about mental health issues approachable.” 


Ashley stated that the ambassadors want students to know that these resources are here on campus and that there are people they can talk to about these issues. 

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The Libraries Wellness Ambassadors work with the university’s Counseling and Psychological Services program. They are pictured at a Doggy Days event in March at the UTA Central Library talking to students about mental health services offered at UTA.

According to the John Hopkins Medicine website, it is estimated that 26% of Americans ages 18 and older, or about one in four adults, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.  


They also estimate that about 9.5% of American adults ages 18 and over will suffer from a depressive illness such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or dysthymia each year.  


Throughout the year, the Library Wellness Ambassadors are available on the second floor of the library to answer questions and share resources on weekday afternoons. They are also present at events like Doggy Days to promote mental health and awareness and different resources available on campus. 


Yash Patel, a wellness ambassador, stated that the Mavs Talk helpline is one such resource. 


The Mavs Talk helpline is a 24-hour crisis line where students can talk to a crisis counselor seven days a week by calling 817-272-TALK (8255). Also, urgent appointments with CAPS are available during business hours.  


Olivia Faulkner, a libraries’ wellness ambassador, shared Yash’s thoughts about the great mental health resources available to help students here on campus. 


“I think that the most important piece of information that we have to give students is that CAPS has six free counseling sessions per enrolled student,” Olivia said. “We find students that did not know about that resource.” 


The CAPS website states it offers individual counseling to students experiencing personal, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. In issues that may require treatment or intervention beyond the scope of what CAPS can accommodate, counselors will provide referrals to services in the community.  


 For more information about CAPS, go to  


Students can call 817-272-3671 to schedule an in-person or telehealth counseling visit or phone consultation.  


For details about crisis support offered by CAPS, people can go to  

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