maker literacies

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Learning Through Making: Fall 2016 Maker Literacies Pilot

Exciting news... The Maker Literacies Task Force has been noticed by UTA Provost Linda Johnsrud! In conversations with Provost Johnsrud, the…


Report From The TX Stem Librarians Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, July 22

This year I had the wonderful opportunity to present at the TX STEM Librarians Conference on behalf of UT Arlington Libraries and the Maker…


Teaching And Learning In Makerspaces: A Challenge

In an attempt to find collaborators for a presentation proposal, I sent the following description to a few mailing lists: My interest/research is…


Brainstorming Maker-Based Competencies

At this early stage, my Task Force is primarily focused on brainstorming “generic” learning outcomes that can be mapped to specific curriculum…

competencies image

Maker Competencies

One of the things that my team is tasked with developing is a set of maker-based competencies that can be mapped to course learning outcomes.…

students working in the FabLab

Making Maker Literacies

When the concept of “maker literacy” first came to my attention, it was shortly after I began my new job, which just so happened to be right on…