National Women's History Month: Antoinette Nelson

U T A with star in the center, used when staff photo is unavailable

by Alexandra Pirkle

The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries is celebrating National Women's History Month by highlighting some of the inspiring women who make this organization a model 21st century urban academic library.

Today's interviewee is Antoinette Nelson, Staff Engagement Manager & Chemistry Librarian Liaison. Nelson has worked for UTA for 19 years and has 32 years of libraries experience. 

a woman sitting at her desk

Antoinette Nelson, Staff Engagement Manager & Chemistry Librarian Liaison, sits at her desk at UTA Libraries.

Alexandra Pirkle (AP): What was your first library-related job? How did you come to that job?

Antoinette Nelson (AN): Library Specialist in Circulation at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas (my alma mater). I had moved back to my hometown after a career in the restaurant business as a manager for a franchise owner of El Chico restaurants in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

AP: What role have women played in your career and life?

AN: My mother, a very strong, independent, well-educated, and socially adept person who was passionate about education and established a private school as well as supporting my father in the athletic and sporting goods business; a grandmother who prayed daily for her children and grandchildren; my next-door neighbor who was always available to “talk” through things of any nature having raised three daughters of her own; two library directors’ encouragement to pursue my master’s degree in the library profession even as they pursued their Ph.D.,; Tillie Burgin, Director of Mission Arlington who serves daily the needs of others; and countless mother friends to get through life as a single parent after my divorce.

AP: What is one of your favorite things about working at UTA Libraries?

AN: It’s hard to choose just one but certainly the day-to-day interactions with staff,  students, and/or faculty in providing support for them in any way that I can professionally or personally.  Every day is new and exciting!

AP: Who is your favorite woman historical figure? Why?

AN: I’m not sure I can pinpoint just one. Many phenomenal women including those from the Bible have shaped our past, present, and continue to do so for the future of our country and the world. I admire their desire and pursuit to make things better for others whether they were known for that or not. 

I also loved Coco Chanel and her mark in the fashion industry. 

AP: What is something about you that others would be surprised to know?

AN: My original career path was to be an interpreter and travel the world.

Thank you, Antoinette, for all of your hard work and dedication to student success!

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