National Women's History Month: Kelly Dill

U T A with star in the center, used when staff photo is unavailable

by Alexandra Pirkle

The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries is celebrating National Women's History Month by highlighting some of the inspiring women who make this organization a model 21st century urban academic library.

Today's interviewee is Kelly Dill, Overnight Coordinator. Dill has worked for UTA and in libraries generally for two years.

a professional photo of kelly dill, who has long curly brown hair and wears glasses

Kelly Dill, overnight coordinator

Alexandra Pirkle (AP): What was your first library-related job? How did you come to that job?

Kelly Dill (KD): My first library-related job was 2 years ago when I began work at UTA. I was initially hired as a talent and training specialist. That role involved hiring, training, and developing the student staff at most of our public service points in the libraries.

AP: What role have women played in your career and life?

KD: That's an interesting question. I haven't necessarily delineated the people who have impacted me based on gender. When it comes to my career, I try to search out people in roles I would like to work in or with qualities I would like to have. Then I look up things they've written or recorded interviews. This gives me a chance to collect advice from people I might not come into direct contact with.

AP: What is one of your favorite things about working at UTA Libraries?

KD: I love the passion that my colleagues have for our mission and values. Before coming here, I spent quite a few years working for an organization in which I felt like corporate leadership did not care about the frontline staff or their growth. It has been so refreshing to see how much time and effort people at UTA Libraries put into ensuring that students and colleagues have the resources they need to achieve academic and professional success.

AP: Who is your favorite woman historical figure? Why?

KD: Henrietta Lacks. Her story can teach us so much about ethical practices in any industry, and her cells have led to countless lifesaving healthcare discoveries. We owe her family free healthcare, at the very least.

AP: What is something about you that others would be surprised to know?

KD: I have a collection of comic books with cover art by Skottie Young.

Thank you, Kelly, for all of your hard work and dedication to UTA Libraries!

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