social media

M & C logo with Marketing Mondays in white on a blue background; "blog" in wooden blocks on a hardwood floor, leaning against a blue and white wall

How LinkedIn Learning Helped Me Understand Social Media

This Marketing Monday blog post is written by Communications Specialist Siddhi Nair.

M & C logo with Marketing Mondays in white on a blue background; "blog" in wooden blocks on a hardwood floor, leaning against a blue and white wall

The Social Side of Social Media at UTA Libraries

In this post, I will be sharing our current strategy, analytics highlights from 2019-2020, and a preview of our next phase of social media…

meme of Mr Bean with overlaying text that says "When your teacher asks you to make a meme instead of complete a worksheet"

Why You Should Use Social Media In the Classroom

With social media becoming a main source of communication, expression, and information, it's important to think about ways that we as educators…