Students Enjoy Holiday Bash Event at the UTA Central Library

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by Library News

Students had the chance to relax from exams during the UTA Libraries' annual Holiday Bash held Friday, Dec. 9, at the Central Library. At the Bash, there were holiday treats to enjoy, craft activities and much more. 


Gretchen Trkay, Associate University librarian, stated that this event gives students a break from the stress and anxiety associated with finals to focus on something fun. 


"For the past several years, we have done a holiday bash for students during finals with all sorts of craft activities for them related to the holidays," Gretchen said. "As they are studying, if they want to take a five-minute break and destress, they can come and anticipate the holiday to come." 


Gretchen shared that her heart has always been in creating experiences for students. She wants students to know that UTA Libraries is not only there to assist them with their academics, but we also care about their mental and social health. 

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Students work on a gift making activity during creating a cookie mix in a glass jar at the holiday bash event held at the UTA Central Library.

Students attending the Holiday Bash could enjoy some cookies and hot beverages such as coffee and cocoa and then enjoy the reading of a holiday story on the first-floor stage. 


There were several craft projects that people could take part in, such as decorating their ornaments or making a gift. One of the gifts that students could make was a cookie mix in a jar. Participants in the craft would measure the ingredients, pour them into a glass jar and seal it with a lid. 


Samuel Geyer, a Computer Engineering major, was among the many students participating in the Central Library festivities. He enjoyed a cup of cocoa and some cookies and then had his photo taken with Santa.  


"It has been a pretty cool event, man. I love hot chocolate and a little bit of candy and cookies," Samuel said. "It is nice to have this during finals because it makes it a little relaxing." 


Samuel states that this event helps lessen the stress brought on by finals, giving students a moment to relax before returning to the books. 

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A student takes a photo with Santa at the Holiday Bash event held at the UTA Central Library.

Caroline Sandoval, a biology major, was making a gift for her mom during the Holiday Bash event. She shared that spending it with family is the thing she likes the most about this time of the year. She noted that her mom goes all-out for the Christmas season decorating the whole house. 


Rebecca Bichel, Dean of Libraries, shared Gretchen's thoughts about the need for this type of event at the library. 


"We know it is stressful at the end of the semester as students are finishing up projects and getting ready for finals. So, whether they have five minutes or two hours to spend with us, it is an opportunity to come over to do a project with us," Rebecca said. "They can make something simple to give as a gift, hang it on their tree, or decorate their home and can immediately see the results of the work." 


Rebecca stated that this event is a great way to connect with students outside the normal day-to-day library operations. She also thanked the library staff for the work they put into putting this event together. 

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Student pick up some holiday treats during the holiday bash event held at the UTA Central Library.

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