Virtual Storytelling

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by Library News

Creating new interactive worlds allowed campers to explore a new way to tell stories during the Legends and Lore week-long summer camp held at the UTA Central Library on Wednesday, Aug. 2.  


Campers used iPads and Super Mario Maker to create these narratives in a virtual space. The activity allowed them to create different levels in the game composed of challenges to overcome and goals that would have to be met.  


Britt LaRiviere, a FabLab Technician, showed campers how game developers in the 1980s created the original Super Mario Brothers using only a pencil and graph paper.  


Campers were then challenged to do the same before using the gaming consoles to create their own game.  


“This activity is kind of the intro to the basics of game design, very surface level. It is on the Nintendo Switch, so they don’t have to do any coding or anything like that,” Britt said. “It is a good way to introduce them to codeless game design.” 


Britt stated that using a game like Super Mario Maker encourages creativity to tell stories. 

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Campers use Mario Maker 2 to create video games during the UTA Libraries summer camp.

Camper Bruce Wade, 10, shared his excitement about the afternoon’s activity. Bruce was using one of the libraries’ iPads to create a game in the style of “Minecraft.”   


“It’s pretty fun because you get to create your own stuff instead of playing something you might not like,” Bruce said. “You get to have fun and do your own thing.” 


Fellow Camper Brayden Nutt, 9, shared Bruce’s enthusiasm about creating his own video game.  


“I love video games. I like being able to use my creativity,” Brayden said. “On the iPad, there are a lot of different things that you can do. That is what I like about it.” 

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Campers use iPads to create video games at the UTA Libraries summer camp.

As they designed their own video games, the kids excitedly showed off their latest creations to their fellow campers and UTA Libraries staff members. Using teamwork and basic programming skills, they were able to turn a fun pastime into something that could lead them to a future career in technology.  


The Basement at UTA Libraries is one of many ways that the library connects with its community through gaming and gaming workshops.  


To learn more about what UTA Libraries offers through its programs, check out the library website.   

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UTA Libraries staff member Richard "Britt" LaRiviere works with a camper to design a video game during the libraries' summer camp.

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