
UTA Libraries' voice embodies our brand personality traits.

Ambitious Innovative Authentic Friendly Creative
Determined Inventive Genuine Approachable Expressive
Energetic Original Sincere Welcoming Imaginative
Enthusiastic Visionary Reliable Attentive Artistic
Purposeful Entrepreneurial Honest Helpful Playful
Tenacious Curious Trustworthy Open Bold

These words don’t necessarily appear in our writing, but rather drive the tone we take in our storytelling—they are the undercurrent of our brand voice.

The tone of your writing is its driving force—the how. Word choice, sentence and paragraph structure, and point-of-view (first vs. third person) can change the way your story reads, the same way color, aesthetic, and font choice can achieve different moods in visual design.

We recommend drafting your communications in advance, so you have time to ask yourself if your writing is:

Ambitious: risk-taking, dreamer, determined

Innovative: curious, visionary, inventive

Authentic: real, true to yourself and your voice

Friendly: welcoming, inviting, and approachable

Creative: playful, artistic, daring

When you represent UTA Libraries—whether on our blog, website, or social media—it’s important to keep our brand voice in mind, and to find your writing style within the guidelines we’ve outlined for staff.