Archived Websites

Special Collections uses the Internet Archive’s Archive-It service to capture and provide access to websites that are deemed to be of enduring value. We have four collections of archived websites that correspond to other collecting areas in Special Collections:

  • Historical Manuscripts consist of websites related to the physical holdings that focus primarily on 19th and 20th century Texas and Mexican history and the U.S. - Mexico War.
  • Texas Labor Archives contain websites of labor unions and organizations related to the physical holdings in Special Collections.
  • University Archives consist of websites that document the University's activities, students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
  • Archiving the COVID-19 Pandemic contains websites submitted to the UTA Libraries after the call for materials for its Archiving the COVID-19 Pandemic project. These materials document the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the community.

You can browse and view preserved websites related to the University of Texas at Arlington and its collections through Archive-It.

Members of the University and community can nominate websites to be included in Special Collections Archived Websites.

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