Student Voices: Embracing Open Educational Resources at UTA

Author's professional headshot

by Megan Zara

Revolutionizing Education with OER at UTA

At the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), the Open Educational Resources (OER) Department is deeply committed to broadening educational access and affordability. This commitment is actualized by adopting, adapting, and generating OERs and through strategic utilization of CARES Grant funding and Course Reserves, to empower faculty and engage students in the joint creation of a learning ecosystem that is as inclusive as it is innovative.  Since its inception in 2017, UTA's OER journey has achieved remarkable milestones, including the publication of 25 OERs through Mavs Open Press—UTA's dedicated publishing platform through Pressbooks—and the provision of grants for numerous faculty projects focused on adopting, modifying, and creating OER. Central to UTA's OER initiatives is the promotion of cost avoidance and the enhancement of access to educational resources, reflecting our commitment to breaking down barriers to education.

Student Voices: Catalysts for OER Innovation

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, the voices of students are indispensable in driving innovation and promoting inclusivity. As we approach Open Education Week 2024 (March 4th-8th), it’s a fitting moment to highlight the integral role of student voices in our OER initiatives. Understanding the crucial impact of student insights, the OER Department at UTA Libraries is dedicated to strengthening our connection with the student body. This commitment to incorporating students' views and experiences aims to enrich the development of resources and support mechanisms for both students and faculty. In this blog post, we feature contributions from two undergraduate students, Libby, an Art History major, and Vy, a Drawing major. Their insights on the impact and potential of OER represent a crucial step towards reimagining the future of education. 

Student Voice: Libby's Story

Embarking on her academic journey at the University of Texas at Arlington, Libby discovered a new horizon of learning through Open Educational Resources. Her initial encounter with OER in an Art History course was a revelation, uncovering the potential of resources designed with student needs at heart. Libby was immediately struck by the accessibility and inclusivity of the OER, noting, "It was completely free, and it included like student artwork and student resources in it," which made it not only economically accessible but also academically approachable. Unlike traditional textbooks, which often present barriers with their dense language and narrow perspectives, the OER offered a refreshing departure. "It wasn't just one like old white person writing a book," she observed, appreciating the diversity of voices and the modern takes that enriched her learning experience. This OER, embodying a more comprehensive and well-rounded view of the world, resonated deeply with Libby, affirming the value of resources created for and by students. 

Libby's insights illuminate the transformative impact of OER on her educational journey, echoing the broader potential of such resources to redefine learning landscapes. Despite initial reservations about the professionalism and depth of OER compared to traditional textbooks, Libby's experience was overwhelmingly positive. She recognized the economic and academic benefits, emphasizing, "requiring a student to buy even just a $50.00 textbook is kind of crazy to me." Yet, she also acknowledged the challenges, including the limited exposure to OER and the lingering stigma regarding their credibility. Libby's story underscores the importance of normalizing OER, suggesting that increased familiarity could diminish skepticism. Her journey from skepticism to advocacy highlights the critical role of faculty in guiding students towards OER, underscoring the need for more awareness and integration of these resources in academia. Libby's experience not only validates the mission of UTA's OER initiatives but also calls for a continued push towards a more inclusive, accessible, and engaging educational environment. 

Student Voice: Vy's Story

Initially skeptical about the value of traditional textbooks, which often felt redundant beside the comprehensive lectures provided by her professors, Vy's encounter with OER in her course marked a significant shift in her academic experience. Unlike the traditional resources that felt "unnecessary" and cumbersome, OER offered a streamlined, accessible alternative that resonated with her needs as a student. "It just made everything easier to access," Vy reflects, noting the profound impact of digital media's ease of navigation and the financial relief of not having to purchase expensive textbooks. 

What set Vy's OER experience apart was not just the content's accessibility but the involvement it fostered. Invited to contribute her unique blend of humor and artistic flair to the OER material, Vy found a meaningful way to engage with the coursework, blending her assignment submissions with playful elements that enhanced the learning experience. This collaboration not only brought her closer to the academic community at UTA, particularly the FabLab, but also provided her with a professional opportunity to contribute to the educational resources used by her peers. Vy's contributions exemplify the innovative spirit of OER, breaking the monotony of traditional learning materials with visual and interactive content that caters to the evolving preferences of today's students. 

Moreover, Vy's insights highlight the transformative potential of OER in fostering an inclusive learning environment. By making educational materials freely accessible and adopting a language that is both professional and approachable, OER addresses the diverse needs of students who may not align with traditional academic norms. Vy's experience underscores the importance of considering students' perspectives in the development of OER, suggesting that the future of education lies in resources that are not only open and free but also engaging and relevant to students' lived experiences. As Vy hopes for the expansion of OER across all disciplines, her story, alongside Libby's, illuminates the ongoing journey towards a more accessible, inclusive, and engaging educational landscape at UTA and beyond. 

A Unified Vision: The Future of OER at UTA

As we reflect on the narratives of Libby and Vy, their experiences at UTA underscore a pivotal shift in the educational paradigm through Open Educational Resources. Their stories transcend mere testimonials; they are a clarion call for the continued evolution and adoption of OER across academic disciplines. Through their eyes, we glimpse the transformative potential of OER to democratize education, making it more accessible, inclusive, and engaging for all students. Their journeys from skepticism to advocacy illuminate the path forward, highlighting the necessity of integrating student voices in the development and refinement of OER. 

Join the OER Movement: Your Voice Matters

The commitment of UTA’s OER Department to dismantling barriers in education transcends mere cost savings and improved accessibility. It is a profound investment in cultivating an ecosystem of innovation and inclusivity. This vision ensures that every student, irrespective of their background or academic discipline, has access to resources that resonate with them—resources that mirror the diversity and dynamism of the student population. The involvement of students like Libby and Vy in the creation and endorsement of OER material exemplifies the core of this mission—empowering students not just as consumers of information but as contributors to the knowledge ecosystem.  

As we stand on the threshold of Open Education Week, we warmly invite the UTA community—students and faculty alike—to engage in this pivotal discussion next week and beyond. Share your insights and experiences with OER during Open Education Week and help us shape an educational environment that truly reflects the needs of today's learners. Your voice is not just important; it is essential. It fuels innovation and fosters a culture of collaboration and openness.  

Take a moment to explore our Open Education Week events at UTA, and feel free to reach out to us at Let's work together to ensure that education remains a right, not a privilege, for everyone, everywhere. Join us in this crucial conversation and be part of shaping the future of open education at UTA and beyond. 

The cover image for this blog post is "Student Voices for Change at UTA" by Megan Zara, licensed CC BY 4.0. It is a derivative of "Use Your Voice to Make a Difference" by LaylaBird, licensed on Getty Images, and was modified to add the "Open @ UTA Libraries" banner.

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