Dr. Cynthia Kilpatrick

Promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction, Dr. Cynthia Kilpatrick, Linguistics & TESOL, Fall 2023.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Senal SMH-1000-MK@ professional field and studio monitor headphones


Senal SMH-1000-MK2 professional field and studio monitor headphones. Gradius Group LLC.

Audio-Technica AT2020 studio microphone kit with headphones, boom cables, pop filter & XLR to USB interface


Audio-Technica AT2020 studio microphone kit with headphones, boom, cables, pop filter & XLR to USB interface. (2018). Audio-Technica.

Honoree's Remarks

As a linguist, I believe in the power of words. As a trainer of teachers, I know that as we use our voices, we can change the world around us. As an online instructor, I am convinced of the value of amplifying the voices of those who would otherwise not be heard. And as a faculty member who chose teaching over tenure, I know the importance of raising your voice to engage, to connect, and to establish your place. To those who use this microphone, I offer you the opportunity to raise your own voice, to use your words, to be heard, and to change the world around you.