Dr. Douglas Klahr

Promotion to Professor

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Professor, Prof. Douglas Klahr, Architecture, Fall 2021.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Flight of fancy : the banishment and return of ornament


Brolin, B. C. (1985). Flight of fancy : the banishment and return of ornament (1st ed.). St. Martin’s Press.

Honoree's Remarks

A decade before I left a corporate career to become an academic, this book validated my early dislike of Modernist architecture. I was not alone in mourning how Modernism not only had robbed architecture of ornament, but also destroyed pedagogy required to train architects to deeply understand the critical role ornament played. The awkward attempts of Postmodernist architects testified to this loss of education. Brent Brolin’s book put into words what I had felt since being a teenager, and my strong, visceral dismay of what Modernism wrought continues to this day!