Dr. Hui Huang

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor, Dr. Hui Huang, Social Work, Fall 2022.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Introduction to child welfare: building a culturally responsive, multisystemic, evidence-based approach


Hanna, Fong, R., Rolock, N., & McRoy, R. G. (2021). Introduction to child welfare : building a culturally responsive, multisystemic, evidence-based approach (Hanna, R. Fong, N. Rolock, & R. G. McRoy, Eds.). Cognella Academic Publishing.

Honoree's Remarks

The child welfare system in the United States is a group of services designed to promote the well-being of children by ensuring safety, achieving permanency, and strengthening families. Most families first become involved with the child welfare system because of a report of suspected child abuse or neglect, which is also referred to as "child maltreatment." The child welfare  system is complex in and of itself and in its intricate association with a number of other systems that directly impact children and families. This book does an excellent job of covering the history of the child welfare system, and the modern culturally responsive, multisystemic, evidence-based approach. I coauthored the chapter “Crossover Youth: Youth Involved in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice”. I think this is an important book for the field of child welfare, which is my research area.