Dr. Jason Shelton

Promotion to Professor

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Professor, Dr. Jason Shelton, Sociology, Anthropology, Fall 2022.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Introductory sociology


Sutherland. (1956). Introductory sociology (5th ed.). Lippincott.

Honoree's Remarks

This book belonged to my Uncle, Jesse James Shelton. He and my grandfather, Eugene Shelton, grew up in segregated Birmingham, Alabama. Like many African Americans in the 1950s, Jesse left the South seeking a better life in the North. He chose Chicago, Illinois, where he was a teacher during the day and airport technician at night. Eventually, he became the school’s Principal.

One night while sitting down in the basement at my grandparent’s house in Cleveland, Ohio, I updated grandpa with some ideas that I had about my dissertation and how once the project is finished I will have earned my doctorate in Sociology. As we talked, he told me to go over to the bookshelf and get that “big brown book.” After a moving a few books and old family photos out of the way, I realized that this Introduction to Sociology textbook from 1937 was tucked away in a corner. That’s when he told me that Uncle Jesse used this very book to teach his Introduction to Sociology course to high school students.

He said: “Son, this book belongs to you now.” It was a very special and moving moment between a grandfather and his grandson. Big Gene was very proud of me. And he was also very proud of his big brother. Sociology was an obvious connection between us, and he emphasized—in a way that only his big voice could—that the book belongs to “J. Shelton.” (Uncle Jesse had his name stamped at various places on the book’s cover.)

This book sits on a prominent shelf in my office in University Hall. It reminds me of my family, my purpose, and that I stand on the shoulders of a prior generation of people who made sacrifices for me. It’s my job to do the same. Thank you.