Dr.Christopher Ray

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor, Dr. Christopher Ray, Kinesiology, Fall 2012.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Forks over knives


Fulkerson, L., Wendel, B., Corry, J., Campbell, T., Esselstyn, C., Balcazar, R., & Ray, C. (2011). Forks over knives. Santa Monica, CA: Monica Beach Media.


Honoree's Remarks

I would like to choose this item for both professional and personal reasons. As a Kinesiology professor, I do believe that behaviors have the largest impact on chronic disease and feel that we can prevent and treat chronic disease through a whole-food plant-based diet. Personally, this movie resonated with me because when I arrived at UTA I weighed in excess of 260 lbs. Through the support of my wife (Julie), kids (Nathaniel & Callie) and by adopting a primarily plant based whole food diet I have lost in excess of 75 lbs.