Dr.Darren Hayunga

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor, Dr. Darren Hayunga, Finance, Fall 2012.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Atlas shrugged


Rand, A., & Hayunga, D. (2005). Atlas shrugged  (Centennial ed.). New York: Dutton.


Honoree's Remarks

Instead of why the text is important to me, I would like to include a couple of sentences highlighting a message that is important to me that somewhat paraphrases a message from the book. That is, 'Instead of being a looter, may the readers of this book strive to accomplish personal achievement and endeavor to make our society a place that rewards meritocracy and hard work.' I think this text and statement are consistent with a tenure process that focuses on the accomplishment and not permanent job security.