Dr.Eric Smith

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor, Dr. Eric Smith, Biology, Fall 2012.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

The chromosomes of terraranan frogs : insights into vertebrate cytogenetics


Schmid, M., Smith, E., Bogart, J., & Hedges, S. (2010). The chromosomes of terraranan frogs : insights into vertebrate cytogenetics . Basel: Karger.


Honoree's Remarks

This book represents an inspiration in the study of frogs of the Western Hemisphere. In our Biology Department two of us, Jonathan Campbell and myself, have been interested in the systematics, taxonomy and conservation of Terraranan frogs, one of the most diverse groups of vertebrates in our planet. This book surveys the diversity of chromosomes of these fascinating creatures. Several authors contributed to this work, two of them editors and well-recognized authorities in the study of amphibian cytogenetics, James P. Bogart, and the study of Caribbean Terraranans, S. Blair Hedges. This book relates speciation, systematics, evolution, behavior and biogeography to the cytogenetic makeup of these fascinating frogs, and synthesizes a vast amount of fieldwork in the Neotropics. At this time I continue my interest in this group of frogs, interest that is also carried with passion by one of my recently graduated PhD students and now postdoctoral fellow at UTA, Jeffrey Streicher.