Prof.Joshua Nason

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Presented to The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries on the occasion of Promotion to Associate Professor, Prof. Joshua Nason, Architecture, Fall 2018.

Item(s) added to the Libraries' collection:

Anarchitecture : architecture is a political act


Woods, L. (1992). Anarchitecture : architecture is a political act . London: Academy Editions.


Honoree's Remarks

Lebbeus Woods, a professor and role model of mine, was a seminal figure in architectural education, theory, and design. His work, in drawn, written, and built form has inspired and provoked generations of architectural thought. The impact of Woods' scholarly and professional work stemmed directly from his personality and values. Lebbeus fervently advocated for the value of people and community; he deployed his talents for the temporal and intellectual betterment of humanity; he treated those around him with kindness, dignity, and respect. In this, he serves still as an incredible role model.

Anarchitecture, one of Woods' more rare publications, beautifully shares his insight into architecture as a political, social, and cultural force responsible for questioning the very systems that perpetuate its existence. I chose this text because of its content, its charge, and the reflections it presents to all architects. It is not only a remembrance of Lebbeus but also a token of respect and gratitude to all those who have inspired, corrected and guided me along the way, for there are many to whom I am linked and indebted. Further, and more importantly, for all those who labor in and for the built world, it is a charge to remember that our work is for the betterment, not the comfort of humanity.